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The Discover You Newsletter

December 8, 2021

Inspirational Moment

We recently completed a Discover You™ training and received this lovely image and message from a participant:


So this happened today. I remember the day my boss asked me to complete this training. I had to commit to 2 days a week – 2 hours a day for 6-8 weeks. During that time I was transitioning in my own life. So while learning this I was able to take a step back and focus on how to do a few things differently while navigating what it meant to be living alone for the first time in my life. I met a lady there that I think we will become good friends as I figure out how to get more involved with this program.

Thank you.”

VIA Character Strengths


The VIA Institute on Character identifies 24 character strengths that make up what’s best about our personality. Everyone possesses all 24 character strengths in different degrees, so each person has a truly unique character strengths profile. Each character strength falls under one of these six broad virtue categories, which are universal across cultures and nations.



Please feel free to share these images–

if you do so on social media, tag us!

Strengths Workshop
Join us next week!
Social and Emotional Learning in Real-time

Sitting in the oral surgeon’s office for my son’s wisdom teeth extraction I have many examples of my social and emotional learning. First, I am very self-aware of anxiety and concern for him, first time in sedation, the procedure, the recovery, and standard mom emotion. Self-management is helpful as I calm myself with some deep breathes and give him information and make jokes (had to sign that we would not sell the pain medicine being issued, darn, that was our spring break fund). Because I know him (social awareness), I know asking him ten times if he is okay does not help. It helps me, (self-awareness and self-management), but irritates him (social awareness). We have a fun and understanding relationship so humor, information, and details help us both. And although he did not see the point of getting his wisdom teeth out we were able to make this responsible decision together.


Social and emotional learning is happening all the time. We are likely using SEL skills regularly without even realizing it. Some skills come naturally and others we need to practice and plan for. Yet, SEL is not a new concept, it is a way of being with ourselves and relating to others. In a recent webinar poll 47% of participants were moderately aware of SEL yet by the end of the session 100% of participants acknowledged they use SEL skills already and more often than they realized.


Take a moment and pause, consider, how am I self-aware, managing self, socially aware, skillful in relationships, and making responsible decisions…? See, you too are socially and emotionally learning in real time.

Our Next Training Opportunity

Starting in January we are offering our next Discover You™ Coach’s Training!


This is a great opportunity for you to share out to other youth-serving professionals in your life, or to take yourself if you’ve not yet done so.


If you have already taken our training, don’t forget that you can still add additional programs via our Learning Labs. We’ll be offering both Building Strengths and Forging Futures starting in late January.


To learn more, click here.

Connect with Us

Find Discover You™:

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Connect with us on your favorite sites and like, share, and comment to help us grow our social media presence!

Coaches who’ve completed our training are also invited to connect with coaches across the globe in our Discover You™ Coaches Facebook Group!


We hope that this group will serve as a place where you can have discussions and share questions, celebrations, resources, photos, etc. The relationships you’ve built during our training can continue to flourish!

Upcoming Training Opportunities
Whether you’d like to share our training with your contacts who haven’t yet joined in Discover You™ or you’d like to expand your own learning, we’ve got you covered!
Click here for our full calendar of offerings
Click here to register yourself for a Learning Lab

Remember, if you’re a Certified Coach you’ve experienced our Interactive Seminar as well as at least one Learning Lab. Now, you can add additional Learning Labs to your repertoire!

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